Goo Goo Dolls in PA
From amyjean@juno.comSat Aug 31 10:27:21 1996
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 09:05:59 EDT
From: Amy J Loudermilk
To: penberth@oswego.Oswego.EDU
Subject: Concert Review an update on poster!
The goo concert in Allentown Pennsylvania on august 30, 1996 was the
BEST!! You may not want all the details but I'm going to give them to
you in FULL!!
The poster was all finished and I had 3 copies laminated for
Robby, Johnny, and Mike with their names on them. I was going to take
your advice and hang out by the bus after the show so my mom and I went
out back to survey the scene. There was a HUGE gate/fence built around
the back of the stage( with barbed wire on top )so you could only get in
one way. So then we thought that we couldn't meet the band but maybe we
could still get an autograph. We asked the security guards if they could
take the poster backstage to get it signed? They said that they couldn't
and that their job was to keep people away from the band. We had given
up hope but we had track tickets(no seats, first come first serve), so we
went back out front in line because we wanted Front Row! Well, even
though it was quite a few hours before we could even get in we waited
anyway. I was bummed and talking to my mom and I turned around and these
two guys walked past me and I say "Oh my god mom that's Robby and Mike!"
We just stood there for a couple of seconds but then we ran to catch up!
We stopped them and told them we had made a poster for them and asked
them if we could get a few copies autographed? They said sure and they
signed them and promised they would give Johnny his copy. I had on the
T-shirt that the Fan Club had sent me and Robby said "I know where you
got that shirt from? The Fan Club! Jenny and Sarah are real
sweethearts, I spent all last night with them." So they were REALLY
TRULY NICE!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! Went back in line and got front row!
After a few songs Robby recognized us, which was really WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Songs they played
(not in order)
Burnin' Up
Fallin' Down
Million Miles Away
Flat Top
Long Way Down
Only One
Somethin Bad
Eyes Wide Open
Slave Girl
The went on around 7:45 and played for about an hour. There were
a lot of people who didn't care about the Gin Blossoms and came just to
see Goo. There was a lot of moshing and when the fast parts in Name
would be coming up, you could see Robby's eyes get real big! It was
funny! All around the stage during the songs Robby would make girlish
poses for the audience. I don't think Johnny was feeling well. He had a
cup of hot something up on stage and he looked pretty pale. I hope he
feels better! But aside from that it was a REALLY EXCELLENT SHOW!!!!!!