From LZUG@VM.TEMPLE.EDUWed Oct 2 17:27:13 1996
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 96 10:06:23 EDT
From: Zuggernaut
To: penberth@Oswego.EDU
Subject: Goo Goos in Allentown, Aug.30
I'd like to comment on that Goo Goo Dolls show in ALlentown, another fan also d
iscovered the "big fence" and the hostile security guards . . . I WAS THERE TOO
and if it hadn't been for Johnny's brother-in-law Dave none of the GooGoos wou
ld have made an appearance, and none of the Blossoms either (yeah, some of us d
id care about both--Robin Wilson, lead singer, opened my eyes to the glory of t
he Goo Goo Dolls) I have photos, at least of Robby and Mike, who were both very
chatty. Johnny was gone, some say sick, maybe drunk; Dave said he went to a p
arty. The show ROCKED. I think Robby lost five pounds in sweat up there.