Goos on the Price is Right?

By Mike Pawlick

From PAWLIKMC@nacadem.sunyerie.eduMon Mar  4 02:41:10 1996
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 11:52:46 EST
From: "Mike C. Pawlik"
To: Bryan John Penberthy
Subject: Re: GOO INFO (price is right???)

heres some weird goo news.

my grandma was watchin good ole bob barker on the price as right,and
what do ya know,the goos were mentioned.i guess that rod roddy dude
who says all the prizes was sayin he had dinner with the goo goo
dolls the night before,and their really cool guys with great bob barker gave a big nationwide greeting to the goos
and said their welcome on the show anytime.pretty cool,or weird?

well, for those of you seeing the goos in buffalo,expect to check
them out in syracuse, rochester, albany and the rest of the east
coast, and then canada.their announcing individual dates now,so ill
keep ya updated.keep in mind buffalo is their most recent that i
know,so stress the word" expect".i know for a fact their beginning
their east coast attack,and these places i mentioned are almost
certain they will attack.ill keep ya posted,also for tour dates,check
out bryans page, chads page, and ticketmasters homepage.from my net
surfing, those are the most reliable on the net.