Goo / Bush Concert Review
From bd518@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDUTue Apr 16 17:05:34 1996
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 00:49:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joseph Richard Haniszewski
To: bryan penberthy
Subject: forward to the list
OK people, here's my unofficial GooGooDolls april 13th Buffalo
appearance concert review. I'll start with a disclaimer, it's not meant
to piss people off, if it does sorry, but I'm objective and you ain't
going to change me, plus I'm not an English major, so as the 1st Goo's
album could sum it up, "I Beg Your Pardon, I Never Promised You a Rose
Well, 103.3 the Edge here in BUffalo really did some cool and made it
a Goo weekend. their slogan is "Buffalo's New Rock Alternative", but for
the weekend, they changed it to "Buffalo's GOO Rock Alternative". They
played double shots and sometimes more of the Goos all weekend and pushed
the concert big time, including playing every song the Goos recorded(all
5 cd's people) and the B-sides too.... after the concert ended... that
got me in the mood... We had a group of about 30 people the planned the
trip to the show, but we knew plenty of people there. As usual, myself
and Bryan got the whole GooGang(self proclaimed loyal Goo followers) up
there. We didn't have the greatest seats basically cuz we didn't think
they'd sell so damn fast and Prime Seats stupid ticket policies, so we
sat in section 6 blue(directly facing the stage but way back). Now to the
No Doubt opened the show, I never really heard anything from them
other than "Just A Girl", but Gwen(lead singer) has got some energy. They
played for about 40 minutes or so, Energetic group, and here's a fact,
they have been playing for 9 years, impressive! (sounds like the Goos, 10
years to get put on the music map) I'd pay to see them again, plus I want
to meet Gwen!
Then the highlight of the show for me, the GOO GOO DOLLS!!!
had the shoes on, and they seemed energetic as hell, considering that
they made it officially Goo Goo Dolls Day in BUffalo and Erie County this
day. They came out and started playing Naked, sounded amazing, the
Memorial Auditorium had real good acoustics(side note, tentatively the
last major concert in the Aud,home of the BUffalo Sabres). Here's the
complete set list of the Goos:
Naked, Impersonality, Falling Down, Burning Up,
Eyes Wide Open,
Long Way Down, Only One, Hey(my personal favorite), Slave
Name(get your lighters out), Flat Top, Lucky Star,
mostly newer songs, but thats ok, lately they have been changing over
to playing newer songs, basically to promote the new CD, but being my
official 20th Goo's show, I don't mind at all. All in all, the sound was
amazing, the Goos seemed like happy campers, and again, like other people
mentioned in their reviews, the Goos like throwing around their
equipment ;) at the end they threw thier guitars into Mike's drum set.
Next, and lastly was Bush, Yes, I have their cd, they're a cool band,
but basically the crowd was set for them a little more than the
Goos(regrettfully). All around us and especially in front of us were tons
of 12 to 16 year olds that constantly screamed, "I love you Gavin"(Bush's
lead singer). Well, thats great, he seems lovable, but HE CAN'T HEAR YOU,
STOP YOUR DAMN SCREAMING!!!!! (had to blow off some steam) Honestly, I
wasn't that impressed with BUsh's performance, it sounded good, but
lacked the energy I though, I'm sure I'm going to catch slack for this
one, but hey, it's my opinion, share yours. We ended up actually staning
in the Lobby while he played Listerine, oops, Glycerine.
Well, thats my summary of the show, it was huge and a fun time, lots of
moshing, good music and lotsa people. Any comments about my review, send
'em. If you were there, well, get off your bootie and give another
review, if I pissed you off, sorry, but just hit the D key(that's foir
delete). Can't wait for the next time they're back home..... other than
that, GooBye from me...
Joe Haniszewski
"I Beg Your Pardon, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden."
"If F*cking Up Takes Practice, Than I Feel I'm Well Rehearsed."
Goo Goo Dolls