Goo / Bush Concert Review
From PAWLIKMC@nacadem.sunyerie.eduTue Apr 16 17:05:17 1996
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 17:58:42 EST
From: "Mike C. Pawlik"
To: Bryan John Penberthy
Subject: mikes buffalo review of show.!(fwd to list)
if your really bored and have nothing left to do,you can read my
review of the buffalo show. i must say that no doubt put on an
excellent show. im not really into that horn shit in the
background,but the fast pace she consistantly kept throughout their
set was great.theres nothin worse than having an opening act who has
one song on the radio, stand in one place the whole set and sing
their songs,boring the shit outta you.even though i didnt know their
songs,she kept everyones interest by jumping around on stage and
keeping everyones attention
.and then came the goo goo dolls.good ole
county man dennis gorski hobbles on stage and says,i love the gggooo
dolls.i dont know what was worse.all the boos he received or the fact
that he couldnt even pronounce their name right.anyway,well respected
rich wall of 103.3 edge took over and introduced them.lights go
down,the cool sound effects echo through the aud,and expecting the
goos to rip into a heavy rocker,they play naked.interesting
thing i enjoyed was the fact that they changed up their set a little
from other shows, a definite bonus.basically an average goo show for
an opening slot.many missed two days in february,but having only 45
minutes to cover their usual 90 minute set, they did a good
job.intersting encore throwing in lucky star while robby sported the
new funky sabres jersey, and then ending with an obvious dont
change.of couse an excellent set from the goos.cant really expect
anymore from an opening slot
.so then comes mighty ole bush.i tell ya,
i really enjoy bushes cd, but i cant fukin stand it when a band takes
a 4-5 minute song and turns it into an 8 minute song.through many
songs, bush dragged them on and on, to the point where people were
actually sitting down in the seats.also, the constant movement on the
stage that no doubt and the goos have, bush does not.bush did move
occasionally,but couldnt push the intensity the goos and no doubt had.
bush did rock though.i do like them alot, but as far as live
performances go,if your not in the mosh pit, goodnight.a very
predictable encore with glycerine and everything zen.altogether, a
good show.though would i stand 4-5 hours in line for it,probalbally
not.if you have actually read this whole review you must be really
freakin bored