Goo Goo Dolls in Columbus

From timm@bgnet.bgsu.eduSat Aug 17 21:20:30 1996
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 14:06:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: Timothy David Minneci 
To: penberth@oswego.Oswego.EDU
Cc: "Sarah D. Davis" <>
Subject: Re: concert review 

	I was also at the Ohio State Fair Thursday and got a chance to 
see the Goos for the first time live (I've always had bad timing in the 
past).  Just to add my two cents:

	-The Prince (or guy with no name as Johnny put it) song was 
"Never Take The Place Of Your Man" which they cover on Hold Me Up with 
the Incredible Lance Diamond on vocals.  This is a cool coincidence 
because just last Friday I played this song on my radio show here at 
college (I felt the need for Lance's vocals).

	-I had a chance to review the Gufs single and full length for 
this radio station (WFAL is the name), and gave it 3 out of 4 stars.  
Their music is catchy, but the vocals can get montonous.  Crash and 
Sunday Driver are cool songs, and they did both in concert.

	-Howlin' Maggie is a band I like a lot and was very pleased to 
see them on the bill instead of the boring Dishwalla.  I don't get the 
Dave Matthews comparison, Harold Chichester has a hell of lot more 
personality and is and incredible guitarist.  If you don't believe me, 
try playing the riff to the song "Alcohol" (which is incredibly hard in 
the first place), and then try singing at the same time.  Their album is 
great, I picked it up used at Record Theatre on Main St. in Buffalo for 
$7.95 and the damn thing won't leave my CD Player.  However, I don't 
think HM is a good opening band for the Goos because their music is a 
little more, ah sonic.  They sound more like a Pumpkins opening band.  

	-One last thing, I got really pissed when 2/3's through the show 
they played Name, and then people started leaving.  Hello, show's not 
over.  Oh well, their tough luck, they missed the Fair Queen on stage.  
Overall, great performance by the Goos.  They looked like kids up there 
running around on stage having a good time.


Timothy D. Minneci                           
                          670 Frazee Ave. Apt. #26                       
                         Bowling Green, Ohio 43403                    
                         GO TRIBE!!! / GO BISONS!!!