Goo Goo Dolls at Edgefest

Buffalo, NY

Hey Goo-heads!!
I'll keed this review restricted to the Goo performance.  They opened with
Lazy Eye, which was really cool.  A nice change for an opener.  Their hour
and a half set consisted mainly of A Boy Named Goo, and SuperStar Carwash
material, but they did dig back into Hold Me Up for Hey, and a fine rendetion
of Never Take the Place of Your Man with Lance Diamond.  Lance also performed
Heartbreak Beat by the Psychidelic Furs, and a third which I can't recall
right now.  They ended their encore with Another Second Time Around.  All in
all it was a great show.  Amusing story - Johnny had trouble with his guitar
at the beginning of Name.  Also, while singing "another tired song keeps
playing...." he was motioning with his arm like Name was one of those songs.
 It was funny.  Also "it don't belong to no one and thats a shame" became
"thats a sh*t."  Great show...well worth the 10 hours spent at the park for
