Goo Goo Dolls in San Francisco
From jamie@Claris.COMFri Jul 19 10:56:53 1996
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 07:57:54 -0700
From: Jamie Pruden
To: penberth@oswego.Oswego.EDU
Subject: Goo show 7/18 in San Francisco
For the mailing list:
Hi all,
Well, I finally made it to my first Goo show... July 18 at the
Fillmore in San Francisco. What an awesome experience...
Dishwalla opened and while the crowd was pretty mellow during the
first couple of songs, it got pretty live later on in the set,
especially during their current radio hit, "Counting Blue Cars." For
those who havenıt seen them live or heard their other stuff, they
sound quite a bit like Simple Minds, but better. Iım getting their
album. Nuff said.
The Goos came out with "Naked" and the smoke thing as someone else
mentioned in another review. Pretty cool effect. Lots of tasty
lighting effects during the show that enhanced the experience.
The Goos were in fine form and seemed to be having a really good
time. Johnny mentioned that this was the 242nd show of this tour and
that they always celebrated this occurrence... Here is the set list:
Burning Up
Fallinı Down
Million Miles Away
Lucky Star
Eyes Wide Open
Long Way Down
Only One
We are the Normal
Something Bad
-I missed a song here-
Another Second Time Around
Cuz Youıre Gone
Girl Right Next to Me
Slave Girl
Flat Top
Encore 1
Donıt Change
It's Alright (?) < They played around with this. I hadnıt heard the
song before, so I was really amused when Johnny sang, "Glycerine"
insted of "Itıs Alright" in the chorus of the song. He stopped and
said, "I was just checking to see if you were paying attention..."
Encore 2
Never Take the Place of Your Man
Stop the World
I didn't get the feeling that the crowd was a bunch of old time Goo
fans... most of them seemed to just sort of rock to the music except
during Name, Long Way Down and Naked. Some of them even sparked the
lighters during Name (BARF!) There were a few old timers there that
yelled for Up Yours (including me) but it didn't happen.
The Goos were really animated (especially Robbie) and interacted a
bunch with the people in the crowd (including Johnny flipping off
someone who flipped him off from the balcony.) Mike broke his snare
drum during the show. Talk about bashing the skins!
All in all, a great show- probably the best show I've ever been
Have a Goo day !
Jamie Pruden