Goo Goo Dolls at the Fillmore

From msfinn@felix.TECLink.NetMon Aug  5 21:35:21 1996
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 15:37:56 -0500
From: Oivanki 
To: "''" 
Subject: Goo Goo Dolls concert at the Fillmore in SF, July 18,1996

 Hi everyone!

 I was lucky enough to attend this concert although I live in Mississippi. I was visiting a friend in SF ,and we went to the concert. We missed Dishwalla but got there just in time to hear the Goo's. The concert kicked ass! My friend and I kept trying to 

get Robby's attention the whole time (we were on the front row). I started talking to this guy beside me who grew up with the band and he got us backstage after the concert. 
  I met Johnny and Robby. Mike was kinda unsociable. We asked Robby if he remembered us from the crowd and he did. He is a really cool guy. When I told him i was from Mississippi, he tried unsuccessfully to spell it. Johnny did the same thing. Robbie brou

ght my friend and I something to drink and sat down to talk to us for about a half hour. He gave us the scoop on the new drummer-thing and we chatted about The Simpsons. He also invited us to hear them play in L.A. on Friday but we weren't able to.
   Overall, I would say that the Goo Goo Dolls have not let all their fame go to their heads. They are down-to-earth guys who just happen to be very talented! This was my second time to see them in concert and definitely not my last! 