Goo Goo Dolls in Missouri
From Stranger@Qni.comSun Aug 25 11:23:08 1996
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 01:01:26 -0500
From: Justin Brown
To: "''"
Subject: Missouri State Fair
Well, since no one else has mentioned this one, it was last night (the 23rd)
and they rocked. They all seemed happy and one of the 1st things Johnny said
was: "Well, you guys are lot more lively than the buds we played for last
night!!" So, wherever that was, be ashamed!! :) There were a lot of people
there who didn't know anything but "name" and it got the best reaction, but i
guess i expected that. People were waving lighters and hands and all that--
they didnt stop to chat afterwards--they went straight into slave girl.....
nice transition, if ya ask me!! Anyway, it was a great show, but why, oh why,
are the goos OPENING for the gin blossoms?? They were soooo boring!!!