Goo Goo Dolls at Marine Midland Arena
From by106@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDUSun Sep 29 20:44:56 1996
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 15:06:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Richard W. Sampson"
To: penberth@Oswego.EDU
Cc: by106@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU
Here is my review of the Kick ass show on Sat. the 28th.10KM opened and
put on a very good set, which included old songs "What's The Matter Here",
"Stockton Gala Days" and "These Are Days" and about 5 new songs. The only
problem was that Mary's mic and violin were a tad too loud. They were followed
by the Barenaked Ladies. I never had so much fun at a concert in my life. They
were totaly amusing. I'll start by saying the songs they played. Box Set,
Crazy, Hello City, Old Apartment, Shoe Box, If I Had A Million $ and Brian
Wilson. These are only the ones I knew. They also did a Buffalo song which was
hillarious, started "Million Dollars" with a part of "Wonderwalland at the end they all came down to dance to "This Is How We Do It", "The
Macerana" and a dance version of You Outta Know" by Alanis.Ok, now its time for
the GOOS. They were amazing. They played all of ABNG, Fallin Down, Luck Star,
We Are The Normal and 5 or 6 new songs, including "Thousand Words." For all
of you who haven't see the Goos play in their home town, you are missing somehthing awesome!!