Goo Goo Dolls at the Marine Midland Arena

From mreiter@osf1.gmu.eduTue Oct  1 17:47:36 1996
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 09:30:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark C Reiter 
To: penberth@Oswego.EDU
Subject: Re: Goo Show


Well, it was odd to see them play in a place that was so HUGE! I saw them 
play in a 4500 seater in Virginia but that, obviously, ain't nothing 
compared to the MMA. I thought The Barenaked Ladies got better sound but 
the crowd belonged to the Goos. It seems that if the boys want to play 
hockey rinks and such they're going to need another guitar player to fill 
up empty space during solos and more involved riffs where Johnny is 
playing single notes. I dunno. We sat up in Section 
nose-bleed seats. So, that accounts for some of the sound problems. 
Basically, though...they ruled and even if the sound sucked they had so 
much energy and seemed so glad to be home the whole thing still rocked. 
I wished we'd been on the floor-that would have made all the difference. 
Did you make it to the ALbany show or Westerberg? and hey! where was the 
Incredible Lance Diamond?

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I'd rather be the Pope.