Goo Goo Dolls at Six Flags in Jersey
From JVDD07C@prodigy.comTue Jun 25 20:46:03 1996
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 10:16:27, -0500
To:, penberth@oswego.Oswego.EDU
Subject: GOOS CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!
My Goo Story
On Saturday, June 22, 1996, I went to Six Flags Great Adventure at
about 1:30pm. The Goos were scheduled to start at 8:00pm. Six Flags
Great Adventure has a first come, first serve policy. So I had a few
hours. After roaming around the park with my brother and my friend,
we went to the line at 3:00pm. There were about 20-25 people already
waiting to get in. I saw friends that I knew up front, so I had my
connections. They told me that I could get up front with them later.
(They were waiting there since 9:15am) So we roamed around the park
for a little while again. Then at 4:45pm, we went back to the line.
They handed out "Boarding Passes" to people already in line. I got a
pass from the guy handing them out, but I had to stay where I was in
line. I was about the 50th person there. Still in range with my
friends. The attendants said that Dishwalla was not opening for the
Goos, but during rehearsal time, I heard them singing "Counting Blue
Cars" and no one else sings that song but them. Then Goos rehearsed
for awhile. Not too long. Then at about 5:30, all noise from inside
the arena, which is and out-door arena, stopped. At about 6:00, it
started to get cloudy. The weather forecast that morning said "Sunny
and mild, high of 89", but that was wrong. It started to thunder,
then big flashes of lightning. The attendants said that we had to
leave the line and seek shelter. But none of us did. Everyone sill
stayed. Then they kicked us all off line. At about 6:30 it started
to rain, then pour. And no sign of letting up. Still, we all had
faith and hope for a concert. The attendants were telling us that at
the moment the status of the concert is unknown, they did not know if
they would play or not. My group of friends at first all huddled up
under beach towels. That was fun. Three girls, all in bikini tops,
all with me under a single beach towel, with very little room, and
all huddling together to stay warm. That was worth getting wet for
sure! Then we went over to a souvenir store within
the park, a few hundred feet from the arena. On the way there we
moshed in puddles that were about a foot deep in water. That was fun.
After that we all went over to the girls bathroom, including me.
After about 20 minutes of running around in rain, (this really
resembled a Woodstock '94 scene, everyone drenched with water and
moshing together, in very little clothing, some people even took the
decency to remove their shirts, including women), we went over to the
line again. About 7:15, still no word on the concert. So we ran
around again. This time I went with different people that I knew.
(One of them was really hot, so while we were still on line, I gave
her a Tweety Bird that I won at one of the games before. She really
likes Tweety.) I ran around with them, and then they started to get
a line to form for admittance for the concert again. We knew they
would not be honoring the "Boarding Passes" any more, so we all had
to fight for our spot on line again. I got to the front of the line,
starting out totally behind the crowd. I caught up with my brother
and my friend at this time. They were planning on sitting, so I gave
them my wet shirts, well the two that I didn't have on. (I bought a
concert T-shirt for my friend that couldn't go to the show, and the
shirt that I had on when I went to the park. I put a concert T-shirt
on.) At this time the rain had let up, and the lightning had passed.
About 15 minutes later, it stopped raining. Every now and then a
little drizzle, but besides that, nothing. At about 7:45 the line
started moving. Security guards holding the line at front, keeping
it from moving fast. At about 7:50 we all got into the arena. I
lost my brother and my friend again. But I was with the 3 girls in
bikinis. So it wasn't bad at all. My friend ended up not sitting,
but going into the pit with some girl that my brother knew and that
he liked. So they were happy, and I was happy. At about 7:55 the
sound check guys start checking the equipment and stuff. The crowd
was going nuts! There were about 250-350 people in the pit. And
about 1,000-3,000 sitting in the bleachers. It was really hard to
tell how many actually showed up. People were coming and going, it
was really hard to tell. After a sound check by the sound crew, the
Goos actually come out on stage. It was about 8:05, maybe a little
later. They actually started to sing! After going through hell to
wait, they started to sing! IT WAS AWESOME!!! They opened up with
Naked, everyone went ballistic! Then about 45 minutes into the show,
one of the girls I was with threw her scrunchie on stage. This seems
like nothing, but it led up to something. Apparently, someone hit
her when she threw it. Then the security guards came over to stop
them. The guy that hit her refused to be taken away. Three security
guys held him down and got him in a chock-hold. The girl went to the
side. The Goos stopped playing and said, "What the fuck! Would
someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?! If you don't calm
the fuck down then we're leaving!" (It was kinda like that, a little
different that what he actually said, but he said fuck a few more
times then I mentioned.) The girl was escorted out of the arena, and
the guy too. It sucked that she got kicked out! All for throwing a
damn scrunchie! Anyways, after the mess was cleaned up, they started
playing again, obviously pissed at the security guards and the fans.
The security guards really fucked up. They were being too secure.
And then someone got pissed and revolted. Well they continued
playing. Getting back to that song a little bit later. Before
playing it again, they said, "Lets try to get through this one this
time." They ment it as a joke. Some people didn't think so, but who
cares! They ended the scheduled part of the concert at about 9:50.
They ended playing Disconnected and then Slave Girl. They really
messed Slave Girl up when they sung it. They did the same verse
twice, and then forgot what they were saying. So they just tried to
get trough it. I forget if they played more after that or not. I'm
not sure what they ended with. I was having so much fun! Then they
were called back for a few more songs after everyone screaming for
more. George, the drummer, didn't come back on stage. But John and
Robby did. John did a solo-type song. Robby play a few chords every
now and then. I think it was like an unreleased song that he played.
It was really cool. Then Robby did a song, and then they both did a
song. All the encores were sounded unreleased. I never heard them,
and no-one else ever heard them. It was so cool. I wish someone
bootlegged it! It was all over at 10:15. They played for like 2
hours! It was AWESOME!!!! They kick ass!!! They played like every
song off of "A Boy Named Goo", and then a few older ones, not too
many though. They mixed the old and the new ones in a really awesome
pattern. GOO GOO DOLLS KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!
-Brian Saenz De Viteri
Jackson, NJ