We Are The Normal

From RTakac@aol.comMon Aug  5 12:20:11 1996
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 05:37:49 -0400
From: RTakac@aol.com
To: Penberth@oswego.Oswego.EDU
Subject: We Are The Normal

     I have heard two stories about how "We Are The Normal" was written. The
first, which I heard the most, was that The Goo Goo Dolls sent a tape with
just an instrumental on it to Paul Westerberg. And then he wrote lyrics for
the song. The second, which Johnny said at the last DC show, was that he
called a hot line that was supposed to teach you how to write songs, and Paul
Westerberg answered. Then he said that they both wrote the song right then,
on the phone. Needless to say I was very confused by this, but I got a chance
to ask the man himself. I went to the Paul Westerberg show in DC last night,
which was increadable, and I got a chance to talk to him. When I asked him
how "We Are The Normal" was really written, his exact words were (in a
slightly disgruntled tone) "I wrote that damn song". He went on further and
said that The Goo's did send him a tape with an instrumental on it, but he
messed with the song, wrote the lyrics and put a melody to it. Then he gave
it to Johnny, and Johnny mimicked the melodies and it became what it is now.

      I thought that some of you would enjoy that story, and if you get a
chance, go and see Paul Westerberg. It is a show that you will never forget.
And you will probably get a chance to meet him after the show, he is an
increadable person and song writter.
