Roseland Ballrom, NYC
Review by: Lynne
We got there about 10 minutes before Buffalo Tom came on. We made our way through the crowd to about the fourth row stage left. They sounded good, but I didn't want to hear them, I just wanted to be Gooed!! Finally they were done. Right before the Goo came on, the keyboard player came out & was playing like church kinda music. Then a guy in a long white church robe came out & lite the candles, then he walked to the front of the stage & kneeled down on one knee. They started throwing spotlights all around the stage & flashing lights (like strobe lights) that along with the erie music looked so cool. Then, finally they came running out playing.....guess what....I was so fuckin excited I can't remember what they opened with!!!! I can remember all the other ones though except that there was one more Robby song I can't think of. Here is what they played:
Before I tell you about the show, let me tell you some details, Johnny changed guitars after every song almost, 2 Kiss, 1 Prick, 1 Lawyers suck, and a couple of others without stickers. Nathans guitar said "Don't Be A Dick" too bad he is!!! Johnny was wearing black leather pants & that black shirt he had on for the artist cut iris video, Robby was wearing a black dress button down shirt & black pants, Nathan was wearing the same fuckin' clothes he had on last night!! A green like cowboy type shirt & some kind of pants. They sounded incredibly great!!! A few cool things that happened, for me anyway, was when Johnny was introducing Robby, he had his back towards us & the place was quiet, I yelled NICE FUCKIN' ASS Robby was laughing so hard his face was beat red, Johnny turned around & looked at me & said "YOU AGAIN" &started laughing. Then, when he started to say the Name story, before he had a chance to say it, I yelled out "DEAR FAGGOT" he looked over at me like "how the hell did I know that" gave me a smile & continued. When he introduced Nathan he said that "this guy puts me to shame the way he plays" I yelled NO HE DOESNT!!! & he smiled at me again. He was smiling all night. Chicks kept tossing their bras on stage, Johnny caught one & said "wow I could really use one of these" then he read it, it had the girls name & said I love you, he said thanks & hung it from his mike stand.
More detail, people were tossing black balloons around all night, Johnny came out with a towel wrapped around his head for the uncore & then threw it into the crowd, he was also throwing pics out all night. Then me & my girlfriend yelled out when it was quiet before he started talking "wheres the party" (this actually happened before I yelled nice ass) Johnny looked over & said "right here, right now, isnt everyone having fun, I'm having a great fuckin time" "you were supposed to have one, but now we'll have to have it hear" It was so cool that he remembered us. When they did 2 Days In Feb, they really rocked it up alittle by standing facing each other & jamin' big time, they dimmed the lights for that part & had the strobes going, it really looked cool. Johnny really didn't talk that much like everyone else has been saying &he only said fuck a few times. He didn't forget any words or change any.
After the show, Robby threw his bass into the drums & pushed the drums down & almost fell on top of them. Johnny tried smashing his guitar, on the stage, into the drums, but it took him like 6 times to finally break it, then he held it up & smiled, threw it down, waved & ran off stage. They sounded so good, and were full of energy & just seemed to have a great time & made everyone in the audience feel good too. I couldn't stop singing, screaming, & banging my head all night. It was fuckin excellent!!!! I wish I could go see them again right NOW. They played about 1 1/2 hours, they went on around 9:30 & were done at 11. If you want to know anything else, ask me, I might remember more. It is so hard to do this, because I was having such a good time I felt like I was in another world.