GGD in the City

Roseland Ballrom, NYC

Review by: Lynne

We got there about 10 minutes before Buffalo Tom came on. We made our way through the crowd to about the fourth row stage left. They sounded good, but I didn't want to hear them, I just wanted to be Gooed!! Finally they were done. Right before the Goo came on, the keyboard player came out & was playing like church kinda music. Then a guy in a long white church robe came out & lite the candles, then he walked to the front of the stage & kneeled down on one knee. They started throwing spotlights all around the stage & flashing lights (like strobe lights) that along with the erie music looked so cool. Then, finally they came running out playing.....guess what....I was so fuckin excited I can't remember what they opened with!!!! I can remember all the other ones though except that there was one more Robby song I can't think of. Here is what they played: