Goo Goo Dolls at the Olympics
From Lara831@aol.comMon Jul 15 16:58:59 1996
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 20:24:15 -0400
To: penberth@oswego.Oswego.EDU
Subject: goos on aol, olympics
The following information was recently added to the Warner Bros. page. I
hope everyone who is on this list who has access to AOL will be on-line. The
more the merrier! Also, if anyone has information regarding the acoustic
show at the Olympics and knows whether or not it will be televised at all
please let us all know! Enjoy!
"Warner Bros. Records GOO GOO DOLLS will be the featured guest on the Monday,
July 22nd edition of Warner Bros. Records/Reprise Records weekly interactive
talk show, Cyber-Talk. GOO GOO DOLLS will be available to chat with fans
regarding their whirlwind of activity.
The trio recently shot a promotional video on behalf of the Major League
Baseball which features their own version of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame,"
with members of the Atlanta Braves and Los Angeles Dodgers mugging for the
The bands hit single "Long Way Down," originally heard on the GOO GOO DOLLS
smash album A Boy Named Goo, is featured on the soundtrack for the Motion
Picture TWISTER which has been certified gold by the R.I.A.A.
On August 2nd the GOO GOO DOLLS will perform a 45 minute acoustic set for
Olympic Athletes in the Bobby Dodd Stadium at the Olympic Village in Atlanta,
Cyber-Talk takes place on America Online Monday evenings at 9:30p.m. eastern
time (6:30p.m. pacific time). The first program of its kind, each segment of
Cyber-Talk features a different Warner Bros. Records/Reprise Records artist
who will answer questions from online users in the "digital auditorium" for
approximately one hour. Subscribers are able to download GOO GOO DOLLS press
kit information prior to and after the show.
Access the Cyber-Talk auditorium through the Warner/Reprise America Online
forum (keyword: Warner). Cyber-Talk is produced in-house by a Warner Bros.
Records staff."