Santa Ana, California

Dizzy Up The Girl - October 22, 1998


    I know this is a couple days late, but I thought I would send a quick note
about Thursday's Santa Ana show. It was quite AWESOME.
I found the "perfect spot" right at the stage directly in front of Johnny (I
actually got "sweated" on by Johnny). The opening band was really quite
good. They were called "Anthenium". I spoke to the lead singer after the
show and he said they will be opening for the "Goos" thru November. They
played for about 30 minutes or so and helped to start the energy of the
crowd......and what a crowd it was (a sold out dinner theater show, very

    They also began with the lighting of the candle operas. Johnny started out
at the side of the stage playing with some sound effects, then hopped up on
stage and started jamming. It seemed for the first couple songs that he was
rushing a bit (maybe a little nervous or excited with the first night of the
tour), then he started to relax & have more fun. Robby was "totally"
enjoying himself! He was almost constantly smiling and just having a blast.
I thought it was kinda cute that he played in his socks with pinstriped
dress pants. Mike played incredibly with almost tiredless, constant power.
Even after the very long show they did, he seemed like he was ready to play
another right away. Mike was also very cute & seemed a little shy. The
backup guitarist played really well, he smiled alot and had alot of energy.
The keyboardist was ok, but needed to energize a bit.

    I think the girl jumping up on stage to sing "Name" was out of taste. The
little bit of the song that I could hear Johnny sing was great. The girl
was way out of tune and I think only the guys in the audience thought that
was cool (and the girl of course). Right after the show, the girl jumped up
on stage again and ran backstage. After a few minutes she got kicked out.
But later I saw her constantly trying to beg the security guy at the back
gate (by the bus) to let her in. I don't know if she succeeded....if she
did, it wasn't very impressive.

    I met up with a fellow list member, She flew in from
Georgia and we got to meet up at the show. Again, "it was great to meet
you, Sandra!" I hope more of you list members get to meet each other at the
shows. It is fun to share info online, but really quite cool when you get
to meet in person. You can develop friendships with common interests and
keep in touch by email.

    I will also be going to the Hollywood, CA show on Dec. 3rd. If anyone else
is planning on being there, let's get in contact with each other and meet at
the show. It will be one of the last shows of the tour, so we can see the
difference from the first to the last shows.
Have fun Johnny, Mike, & Robby......and all the fans going to the coming
shows!! Keep sending us your reviews. We could all print them out and make
a "Goos Tour Review Collection".