Dizzy Up The Girl - October 22, 1998
i saw the show last night in santa ana, i'm not good at
reviewing, but for
myself....I LOVED THEM...Johnny was great, alway a big smile on that beautiful
face...mike, i'm not sure where he gets all that energy to play the drums for 2 hours, but
he was fabulous...and robbie, just great...i had never seen the other 2 guys, but they
really rounded out the sound.
there was one part i didn't really like...johnny was about
to sing my favorite 'name' and he made a comment to a girl in front of him that she should
come up and sing it since she was singing everything else, and she did!!! i think her name
was amber, and amber if you are on this mailing list, i'm sorry, i know you were having a
good time, but you ruined my favorite song...johnny said" i was just kidding" ,
but he let her sing the entire song with him or for him... i was hoping he would go back
and sing it himself, but he didn't.everything else was great, except when he was singing
"broadway" first i thought his guitar messed, up, but i'm not sure if that was
it or not. anyway, this was the first time i saw them this close, and can't wait to see
them again in anothe small venue...excepth i wouldn't mind seeing them at the
"greek" of "hollywood bowl" those are 2 great place to see shows...
p.s. a couple of ladies brought johnny "thongs" !! he seemed to like