Goo Goo Dolls in San Jose

From mlamarre@ix.netcom.comWed Aug  7 00:07:17 1996
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 10:11:06 -0800
From: Meaghan Lamarre 
To: penberth@oswego.Oswego.EDU
Subject: Concert Review/First Goo Experience

Here is an account that could fit in concert review or first goo 

August 1, 1996; San Jose, California--This, the night of the Kamp KOME 
festival and Goo Goo Dolls performance, was the birth of my love of the 
Goo Goo Dolls.  The festival boasted of 15 bands and 20 tons of snow and 
a snowboard ramp not to mention a bike/skateboard ramp.  The Dolls were 
the second band up on the main stage.  They gave a great, but short, 
performance with "Long Way Down," "Burnin' Up," "Naked," and "Name."  
Johnny was dressed in a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of black 
shorts.  On his right was Robby, characteristicly in socks and no shoes, 
in a blue shirt (I think) and jeans.  Hidden by the drumset, you couldn't 
really tell what Mike was wearing.  They didn't talk much on stage but 
Robby did salute and acknowledge a "man in the straw hat" who had been 
standing up and dancing throughout the performance.  It was a good show 
but it wasn't until afterward that the Goo Goo Gaa Gaa really hit me.  My 
friend, Jenny, and I were walking around and we stopeed at a Wherehouse 
Records booth.  They had a poster of the GGD that they were giving away 
with the purchase of a GGD CD or Tape.  I'd like to say I bought the CD 
and got the poster but I, cheapskate that I am, didn't buy it and I'm 
still kicking myself for it.  Anyway, ever since I've been surfing the 
net for sites like this finding out all I can about the Goo Goo Dolls.  
Now an owner of "A Boy Named Goo," I am a die hard Goo Goo Dolls fan.    
Thanks!  -Meaghan (