USA Today Review

Contributed by: Bill Reiser

(2 1/2 stars out of 4)--The Goo Goo Dolls provided summer's inescapable "Iris," a trifle that guaranteed a long chart ride for the CITY OF ANGELS soundtrack. Fans can slurp more of that sticky, string-smothered pop in Dizzy Up the Girl, a title that could serve as a warning to diabetics. Chief singer/songwriter John Rzeznik has an appealing, sensitive voice, but his appetite for sugary confections and his unfortunate tendency toward sentimentality smother the trio's lilt and kick. Though the sweetness is balanced by such acidic cuts as "Full Forever," the Goo Goo Dolls prove a tad too gooey.

--Edna Gundersen, who sounds in dire need of a donut: "trifle...slurp... sticky...appetite...sugary...confections...smother...sweetness...gooey..."?